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Executive Summary

This marketing plan has been developed for our client, Cancer Services of Eastern North Carolina, a nonprofit organization based in Greenville, North Carolina whose mission is to "provide resources, support and education  for individuals, families and caregivers who are affected by cancer". This organization has great potential for growth and expansion, as they have a strong community presence and are compromised of a wonderful group of volunteers, employees, friends, and family that have come together in the Eastern regions of North Carolina to provide support and aid to those who have had or are currently going through the struggles associated with a cancer diagnosis. They provide many services for these individuals and their families, which include: educational programs, workshops, and support groups. While they are a wonderful resource, they do face challenges. Those challenges include the lack of constant funding and the struggle to obtain donors, the lack of brand recognition, and their weak social media presence. Because of this, our marketing strategy is geared heavily towards the social media aspect of Cancer Services, specifically targeting how their website can be revolutionized to create an impact among their clients and donors alike. 

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